
Skills Matrix

The Skills Matrix is designed to collect documentation from your employees, from 'Working With Children Check' to 'Drivers License' to any documentation required for employment.

Data Flow Model

Create a skillSkill submissionSkill reviewFile Manager
Skill ConfigEmployee ConsoleSkill ManagementFile Manager

The data flows through the model from left to right.

1 - Create a Skill 

             The first step is to create a skill that your staff will submit 

2 - Skill Submission

            Employees will follow your created instructions to submit their skills

3 - Review Skills 

          Approve, or Decline skills. You can also comment on them and review the files. 

4 -  File Management

         This includes downloading and viewing all the submitted documentation. 

Why create a skill?

If you require your employees to submit qualifications/documents such as a Working With Children's Check or a White Card,
you can have an archive of all their submissions attached to their Employee username.

Turning the Skills Matrix on

The Skills Matrix module must first be enabled in the Global Settings.

Navigate to Menu > Settings > General > Global > System Settings - Skills Matrix

Select Skills Matrix to enable the feature.

Skills Matrix enabled in Global Settings > System Settings - Skills Matrix


Creating a New Skill

To create a new skill, navigate to Menu > Settings > Skill Config

Click the Add New Skill button to create a new skill.

Add New Skill button shown on the Skill Configuration page

You have two options when adding a new skills

Adding a new Skill

Configuring a Skill

On the left, you will see all the configuration settings for the skill.

  1. Title: The Name of the Skill.

  2. URL: A weblink to a third-party resource that can be used to complete the skill.

  3. Group: The group of your staff that are required to complete this skill.

  4. Severity:How important is the collection of this skill.
    1. Critical Global: Employees cannot clock on until they complete this skill.
    2. Critical Shift: Employee cannot clock on to the role/location the skills is associated to.
    3. Important: Encouragement of skill completion will be prominent in Microkeeper.
    4. Optional: Skills that are useful to have, but not required for employment.

  5. Docs Required: Specify if documentation upload is required for skill completion.

  6. Attachment: Is there an attachment for the employee to use to complete the skill? e.g. a Form to be completed?

  7. Response Value: Determine if a text response is needed for the skill completion.

  8. Declinable: Choose if the employee can accept or decline the skill. Useful for skills that are not mandatory for all employees.

  9. Auto Approve: Does the skill completion need manager approval or enable automatic approval upon employee submission.

  10. Expiry:Set if the skill expires.
    1. Date: Employee enters expiry date.
    2. Auto: Skill expires based on the Expiry Limit.
    3. No: Skill never expires.

  11. Expiry Limit: Define the maximum duration before the skill needs to be re-completed. Options range from '1 day' to '10 years'.

  12. Expiry Reminder: Choose long before the skill's expiry you want to start reminding the employee.
  13. Skill Status:Select the current status of the skill:
    1. Draft: Not yet active
    2. Active: Available for employees to complete
    3. Archived: No longer in use but kept for records.

An image of the Skills Matrix configuration settings

Configuring the Instructions to Staff

This area allows you to outline the instructions you wish to provide your staff with, on how to complete the chosen skill.

Along the top of this page are all of the word processing options, e.g. headings, bold, italic, alignment etc.

Hovering your mouse over the icons on the menu bar at the top of the editing window will cause more information about that option to appear.

Instructions to Staff

An Example:

Example of Instructions to staff set-up

Inserting Images

To insert an image click the icon of the mountains on the menu bar. This will open the image insertion box.
Then drag and drop the image into the box, or click to upload from a specific location on your computer

Inserting an image into a skill

Alternatively, you can click the chain icon to link a picture from an URL.

Inserting Links

To insert a link you can click the small chain icon and enter the URL of the link you wish to add, as well as what text you want the link to say.
You can also set the link to open in a new tab in their browser when the employee clicks on it.

inserting a link

Inserting Employee Profile Variables

Employee Profile Variables can be used as a dynamic placeholder for employee details. These placeholders will populate with values specific to the employee who is viewing the Skill. 

To insert an Employee Profile Variable, click the Hashtag (#) icon located on the toolbar. A list of the available Employee Profile Variables will display, simply click one of the variables to insert the placeholder into your Instructions to Staff. 

An image of the Employee Profile Variable button and the possible variable options in a drop down box.

Saving your work

When you have completed drafting the instructions, save your work by clicking the floppy disk icon on the far right of the menu bar.

Sacing the instructions to staff

Skill Management

Navigate to Menu > HR > Skill Review

On this page, a submitted skill can be commented on, edited, declined or approved. To view, the attached files click the eye icon (see red arrow) and it will open the file in a new tab for you. 


A skill can be submitted on the behalf of an employee as well, simply click Select a Skill, and the employee then click the  On behalf button on the left of the screen

Notify Staff on Skill missing entry

A notification email can be sent to staff who have not yet completed a skill.

Navigate to Menu > HR > Skill Review

On the filter bar, set the Status to "Skill Missing" and under Skills, select the skill you wish to notify staff to complete

an image of the Skills Review filters selecting "Skills Missing" and the skill "COVID-19 Self checkup"

A list of all the employees who have yet to complete the selected skill will be displayed.

Click the "Send Email Notification" button to send an email to all the staff who have yet to submit the selected skill. 

an image of the Send Email Notification button to notify staff about an incomplete skill

An email message like this will be sent to the employee:

Pending Skill to complete

Hi Aaron,

You have a pending Skill to complete:COVID-19 Self Check-up

Please login to Microkeeper to complete this Skill

File Manager

Navigate to Menu > Settings > File Manager 

The File Manager allows for searching, deleting and monitoring of all the files that are within the business Microkeeper account.

File Manager

Deleting a File

To delete a file click Delete Files button on the left of the screen, then click the trash can icon that appears next to the file you want to remove.

Employee Skill Completion

Navigate to Menu > Home > Employee Console

Once a skill is made active, employees will be able to complete your instructions and submit required documents for approval from their Employee Console under Skills and Files.

 an image of the Skills and Files displayed on the Employee Console with 3 skills available for completion

The configuration of the skill will affect the tasks the employee will need to complete to finalize the skill. 

Upload Required Documents

Your employer requires you to upload documents to this Skill.

Under "Upload File", name your file and then click the blue "Browse" button and select a file from your device to upload.

Image of the Upload Required Document options

Image of the Attach File options

Expiry Date

Your employer requires you to enter an Expiry Date related to the Skill.

Under "Expiry Date", click the input box to select a date or type one in the format of DD/MM/YYYY

Image of the Expiry Date options

Response Value

Your employee requires you to enter a text value related to the Skill.

Under "Response Value", enter text into the text box below.

Image of the Response Value options

Signing and submitting the Skill

After you have completed all the necessary tasks, you can sign and submit the document. 

Click the blue "Sign Document" button.

Draw a signature into the box and click the blue "Save" button to confirm your signature. You can click the grey "clear" button to redo your signature. 

Once you have signed your skill, tick the declaration box and click the blue "Submit Skill" box.

Image of the sign, and submit skill area